Proclaim Lismore Students is the banner for all Student Discipleship activities across the Diocese of Lismore.

This living breathing faith community launched with the help of the Interim Student Consultative Group and our community from Laurieton to the Tweed, together.

Students, schools, parishes, families, parents, clergy and staff have all pulled together and Proclaimed the New Evangelisation with a passion and fire that we could never have dreamed possible. And we continue to work together to help Student Discipleship to flourish right across this incredible part of the world we call home.

Each year 100s and 100s of students from our schools come together through events, youth ministry programs in schools, Christian outreach, charity work, worship and more.

These programs have grown year-on-year to a point that they are all oversubscribed.

Proclaim Lismore Students is designed to provide a thread that runs through all of these activities giving a name and a home to all things Student Discipleship.

PLS embraces new methods, new ardour and new means of expression and recognises that the digital world and social media can be powerful tools to help connect a community of faith-filled young people spanning half the length of New South Wales.

We are proudly Catholic, we are a growing digital faith community that helps to fill the gaps and lessen the feelings of isolation we can all sometimes feel in an ultra fast paced world.

Most importantly we are here to help young people in our schools have every opportunity to be able to enter into a real, lived relationship with Jesus Christ, and through conversation with them find out how we can do this in a way that is meaningful and relevant and where possible student led.